About Us
The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) is a learned society striving to foster the profession and practice of Civil Engineering in Canada and throughout the world. Since its establishment in 1887, CSCE has been promoting the Civil Engineering profession through the development, acquisition, and exchange of professional knowledge and bringing together the experiences, achievements, and enthusiasms of the Civil Engineering as well as the stakeholder communities. CSCE enjoys the pride of having been providing a healthy and prosperous platform for the evolution of the Civil Engineering profession through the interaction of professionals, academics, industries, private institutions, the general public, governmental institutions, and like-minded organizations in Canada and abroad.
Become a Member – Become a Student Member
The Organization
The CSCE National headquarter is located in Montreal, Quebec. The headquarter provides an umbrella for several of its Technical Divisions, Technical Committees, Regional Councils, Local Branches, and Student Chapters.
- Technical Divisions and Technical Committees organize Specialty Technical Conferences and state-of-the-art publications. Membership provides an opportunity to maintain an edge in current technical advancements in the profession.
- The Society has Local Sections across Canada, which provide regular technical programs, supplemented with special technical workshops of special interest to the community. Through participation at the local level, members have an opportunity to keep up to date on current Civil Engineering practices, local projects, and to network with colleagues within the community.
- Many universities that offer Civil Engineering programs have Student Chapters of CSCE located on campus.
CSCE is governed by a Board of Directors representing the following sectors of the Society:
- Local Sections
- Technical Activities Committee, comprising representatives of all the National Technical Divisions and Technical Committees and responsible nationally for the provision of technical programs and publications
- Professional Activities Committee responsible nationally for the development of Career Development Programs, Membership Services and Internal Communications, and Publicity and External Communications
- General Administration Committee responsible for administration, awards, student affairs and publications
The Objectives
Objectives of the CSCE are:
- To facilitate the acquisition and interchange of professional knowledge among its members.
- To promote the acquisition of that species of knowledge which has special reference to the profession of Civil Engineering.
- To encourage investigation in connection with all branches and departments of knowledge connected with the profession.
Membership Advantage at a Glance
The CSCE Membership
- A networking source for industry peers to maintain professional contacts and share fellowship of colleagues
- A wide range of informative conferences, seminars, lecture tours and workshops at special member rates
- Members receive timely and relevant trade publications on the latest developments taking place in the Civil Engineering profession
- Members will help develop their career and remain competitive in an ever hanging environment within the profession
- Links to other Engineering Societies: Preferred or discounted rates for CSCE members are available for those wishing membership in the Canadian Geotechnical Society, Canadian Society for Engineering Management, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering and the American Society for Civil Engineers. CSCE members may benefit from the Agreement of Cooperation with engineering societies in some 20 countries throughout the world.